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HomeSpeaker, Marj Charlier


Adult Fiction Author

Experienced Workshop Leader.

Marj Charlier

Email address

Website URL


I will travel anywhere in the U.S., if travel expenses are covered. 

In most cases, I do not require a speaking fee.

Travel expenses, however, should be considered.

No Charge for Book Clubs


Your publishing options -- how to make your book a reality

Fiction writing for the debut novelist

Memoir writing for the first-time memoirist

Writing historical fiction based on the distant past

Speaking Experience

CAL Expert Edge on publishing options (2023)

South Dakota Festival of Books seminar on publishing options (2022)

12 4-week workshops on publishing, fiction and memoir for Rancho Mirage Public Library (2018-2021)

Six-week workshop on fiction writing for OLLI, Palm Springs (2021)

Several workshops for Palm Springs Public Library in publishing, fiction and memoir (2018-2020)

Full-day workshop for Inlandia Institute at the Riverside CA public library.

Several book club appearances for The Rebel Nun, and Hacienda: A South American Romance.

Speech for University of Wisconsin School of Journalism annual public service awards, (2014)

Book readings at many locations in the Midwest and mountain regions (2021)

Speech about the memoir process at Brooks Coleman's book launch (2020)


Marj Charlier is the author of eleven novels and three novellas.

She has taught memoir and fiction writing workshops for libraries, book festivals and OLLI programs, and has been a board member of several local writers’ guilds and institutes.

Marj began her writing career at daily and mid-size newspapers before joining the Wall Street Journal as a staff reporter in 1984. After twenty years in journalism, she began a second career in corporate finance.

She has a BA from Iowa State University (Phi Beta Kappa), a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin, and an MBA from Regis University.

Publishing History

Historical Fiction

The Rebel Nun, 2021, Blackstone Publishing

Based on the true story of a nun who led a rebellion in the sixth century against the bishop of Poitiers.

Women's Fiction

The Johnson Station Trilogy, 2018-2020, Sunacumen Press


Hacienda: A South American Romance, 2015, Sunacumen Press

Romancing the Dog, 2022, Sunacumen Press: Three novellas

Marj Charlier